Sprint Ceremonies

Agendas for throughout a sprint, a 2-week cycle of work.

Sprint Planning Meeting

Takes place every two weeks, at the beginning of the sprint.

  • 5 minute meditation

  • Clarify roles present, including facilitator.

  • Check-in round.

  • Minute of silence.

  • State purpose of meeting: to decide on our focus for the upcoming sprint and break it down into outcomes and tasks.

  • Review current epic.

  • Decide on focus/goal of the upcoming sprint, captured in a brief statement.

  • Determine outcomes needed. Capturing them as user stories where appropriate.

  • Break outcomes/stories down into specific, actionable tasks with a clear definition of done. Populate them into Asana.

  • Determine team capacity (how many hours everyone can contribute this sprint).

  • Review and commit to sprint backlog. If the backlog is greater than the capacity, choose the most important things.

  • Everyone names a SMART personal development goal they’ll be focusing on for this sprint.

  • Check-out round.

Daily Scrum

Takes place daily.

  • 5 minute meditation

  • Clarify roles present, including facilitator.

  • Check-in round.

  • State purpose of meeting: to touch base and see if anyone else can help us clear an obstacle we’re encountering.

  • Each person answers:

    • What have you accomplished?

    • What are you doing next?

    • What is one obstacle you are facing?

    • What are you doing today to work on your personal development goal?

    • What are you doing today to take care of yourself?

  • Invite offers of assistance, and send them out of the meeting.

  • Check-out round.

Sprint Review & Retrospective

Takes place every two weeks, at the conclusion of the sprint.

  • 5 minute meditation

  • Clarify roles present, including facilitator.

  • Check-in round.

  • Minute of silence.

  • State purpose of part 1, demo: to celebrate everything we’ve completed in the last sprint and compare it to the goals we set for the sprint.

  • Briefly review the focus/goal of the sprint.

  • Look over the sprint backlog, what was done and not done.

  • Demo round: each team member has a chance to present what they completed this sprint, answer questions about it, and receive short feedback. Longer feedback should be taken outside of the meeting.

  • Celebrate Failures: how did we fail this sprint? What did we learn from these failures?

  • Take a break.

  • State purpose of part 2, retrospective/governance: identify a few opportunities to improve how we work together.

  • Everyone thinks to themselves silently for three minutes: what are tensions I’m sensing or opportunities for how we could work better?

  • Agenda build: people offer agenda items, specifying whether they already have the proposal or want a discussion to generate one.

    • [list agenda items]

  • Use Integrative Decision Making to process proposals. Start with items people already have a proposal for, then move to other tensions, giving time for proposal-generating discussion. As soon as anyone wants to propose a solution, switch to IDM.

  • Check-out round.

Last updated

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