How We Show Up

The principles we agree to abide by in the course of our partnership in Pax Fauna.

Fiercely Compassionate

Nonviolence is in our blood and it is the first thing that governs everything we do, even before our mission.

Rigorously Humble

We share a holistic commitment to intellectual rigor which honors intuition and received wisdom alongside research, evidence, and logic, while embracing uncertainty.

Professionally Playful

We bring every part of ourselves to our work, including the emotional, professional, and spiritual.

Driven By Necessity

We are individuals who share a calling. We eschew the notion that titles and salaries are a measure of a person’s worth.

Open Everything

We always put transparency and accessibility over security and competition. We seek collaboration by sharing everything we create and trusting that if our contribution is valuable, we’ll get the support we need in return.

Fail Fast

We celebrate risks and failures of every kind, isolating assumptions and putting them to the test whenever possible.

Trauma Informed

We seek to understand the ways in which trauma affects us and others so that we can be literate in healing ourselves and treating others with care.

Power Positive

We bring power to the surface and celebrate it, believing that power held wisely—and transparently—by one is power for all.

Right to be Raggedy

When we fail to live up to these aspirations or when things blow up in our faces, we hold ourselves and each other with love and understanding.

Last updated

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